We acknowledge the sovereign and unceded land and waters of the Gadigal people of the Eora nation.

We pay our respects to Elders past and present, and recognise the work of younger Indigenous leaders in the community.

We support the Uluru Statement from the Heart. There is no reconciliation without justice and the telling of truths hard to hear. There is much good work to do.


We are an ecumenical (open to many Christian traditions) and affirming congregation of the Uniting Church in Australia. The Eucharist is at the heart of our life together.

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We offer opportunities for community participation and service via the South Sydney Herald newspaper, the Orchard Gallery for artists, and partnership with local organisations.

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We grow flowers, herbs, fruit and vegetables in Mirrung Garden, a safe place for refreshment, sustainable practice, education and contemplation – a collaborative work.

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We are a welcoming and diverse group of people from South Sydney and beyond.

We are open to God at work in the world. We seek to be a community of peace, justice, compassion and faithfulness.

We look for the Holy Spirit in all things and we strive to care for all creation.

With Christ/a, we dare to be honest in our lives and to explore difficult questions together. We are open to different points of view.

We share love, friendship, hospitality and hope with each other and with our neighbours, regardless of faith or sexuality.

We seek to overcome both exclusion and abuse.


Lent 3C | March 23, 2025
Isaiah 55:1-9; Psalm 63; Luke 13:1-9
‘Lest disaster speak the last word’

Into a context of urgent and exasperated teaching on Jesus’ part (teaching about the need for love, the decision for love and life in the kindom) come two stories. These seem to be current affair stories. The first, a macabre story about the violence of Pilate – the murder of Galileans at worship. The second, a story of a catastrophic accident.

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