October – roses, vegetables, wildflowers
GARDEN TIPS: October. What to plant at this time of year.
GARDEN TIPS: October. What to plant at this time of year.
GARDEN TIPS: November – good to get a little done each week.
GARDEN TIPS: August – a rundown of the most important tasks.
GARDEN TIPS: Just as birds sing and the wind makes its own kind of music, humans enjoy making music – plants enjoy it, too.
GARDEN TIPS: How to transplant a mature tree.
GARDEN TIPS: After all this rain, you might notice you have more bugs in your garden. Mosquitoes and other pests thrive in the water – they breed and increase in number.
GARDEN TIPS: You can’t underestimate the value of worms. They make the best fertiliser, and keep the soil healthy.
GARDEN TIPS: I’ll be fairly busy this year, studying horticulture by correspondence. The course is run by OTEN (The Open Training and Education Network) through the TAFE system.
GARDEN TIPS: All the money in gardening is in propagation, nurseries and landscaping.
GARDEN TIPS: Organic treatments are best when managing pests such as fruit fly.