What’s on this week
NEWS: See what’s happening at SSUC this week …
NEWS: See what’s happening at SSUC this week …
HOMILY: Into a context of urgent and exasperated teaching on Jesus’ part (teaching about the need for love, the decision for love and life in the kindom) come two stories.
HOMILY: I love the gospel image of Jesus as a devoted hen gathering her chicks; protection by way of courage and commitment.
HOMILY: Environmental activist Julia Butterfly-Hill argues that virtuous political action is meaningless unless those who love the world and its creatures live in truly sustainable and peaceable ways – cooperating rather than competing, sharing resources and ideas, and caring for one another in community.
HOMILY: The ashes, carbon crosses, symbolise our repentance and reorientation.
HOMILY: Two dreams: the dream of reconciliation; the dream of peace (non-violence, love). Desmond Tutu refers to the reign of God as “God’s dream”.
HOMILY: “It is the vulnerable who make the world safe for humanity,” says biblical scholar Brendan Byrne in conclusion to a three-page commentary on today’s gospel. Byrne’s refrain repeats with a difference the words of Jesus: “You who are poor are blessed, for the reign of God is yours.”
HOMILY: For five consecutive days I paddled out into deeper water, out to Sepulchre Island.
HOMILY: We are offered these gifts and more: love’s universal scope; God’s boundless goodness, the unexpectedness of God’s ways; opportunity for hosting the stranger – a share in hospitality; Wisdom; a clear and new beginning.
HOMILY: There are people we admire – and mimic/imitate. It’s one way that we learn – to become the kind of people we become.