‘The interplay of divinity and humanity’

HOMILY: Christ comes … to shine a light on hostilities (toward the poor, the stranger, the most vulnerable) and to light the way of wisdom – hospitality, peace with justice … Christ comes to the anawim, the “have-nots” … as subversive and creative event. A peasant family is made holy. A young woman at risk of abandonment or worse is blessed … she bears the Promised One and will become the queen of heaven.

Christmas Day – readings and carols

NEWS: All welcome, in the church and online, for a service of readings and carols on Christmas morning. Please note special time: 9.30am.

‘A Josephite commitment to anyone at risk of shame or harm’

HOMILY: Saint Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556) was a Spanish reformer and founder of the Society of Jesus (also known as the Jesuits).

The spirituality he developed places great emphasis on the affective life: the use of imagination in prayer, cultivation of godly desires and generous service.

‘To re-orient our lives’

HOMILY: The word peace, eirene in Greek, means to bind or bring together, to unite or set at one. Peace is the opposite of division or dissension. Peace implies health and wellbeing. We might also add: right relationship, harmony, community. It is one of the apostle Paul’s favourite words, used as a greeting or farewell and corresponding to the Hebrew, shalom.

Prayer flags and cards

PRAYERS: Thanks to Anne for leading this activity at our most recent congregational meeting. 

Weekly working bees

GARDEN TIPS: November – good to get a little done each week.

Sharing our stories of hope

NEWS: Norrie, Miriam and Lyn gave a presentation at the Sydney Presbytery AGM in Glebe on Saturday November 26. The presentation included testimonies from members and supporters, as well as photos and a sung Lord’s Prayer.


Cleffies Christmas Concert December 15

NEWS: The Cleftomaniacs (“Cleffies”) is an all-female community-based a cappella group. Their repertoire spans from the ’60s to the present. The concert will also include a carols sing-along.

‘An invitation to participate’

HOMILY: It seems a little easy to feel a little hopeless at the moment as we face yet another Covid wave; as floods affect homes, lives and water systems; as people continue to be persecuted in Iran for protesting the inhumane treatment of girls and women; as we hear of the ongoing issues in Ukraine …

‘Poetics of the kindom’

HOMILY: There are some things we can know regarding Jesus. At least three things …