‘Slow time … start again’

HOMILY: The Christian challenge (and it is a theological and practical challenge) is to hold these two symbols, “slow time” and “start again”, to acknowledge covenants/promises in the Spirit of Torah and Gospel. A certain imaginative space is required.

‘A fire that divides …’

HOMILY: This week’s gospel presents the paradox of divine fire – both divisive and curative. As poetic device it enables the drawing of fine and far-reaching distinctions. Sooner or later, says Jesus, you’ll have to decide. There’s a fire that divides …

August – action time

GARDEN TIPS: August – a rundown of the most important tasks.

Blak & Blu 2022 – workshops

SATURDAY ART WORKSHOP: Catherine and Andrew will lead simple drawing exercises on August 13 and 27 – using black and blue biros. See below for details regarding this year’s Blak & Blu prize.

‘Steal our hearts away’

HOMILY: The idiom, “steal one’s heart”, seems apt. Online search results list hundreds of hearts stolen – by beauty, mercy, justice, faithfulness … home cities, strange countries, tribal lands and waters … artistic or spiritual visions … muses, music …

‘My soul magnifies …’


‘Hidden with Christ’

HOMILY: Jesus says, “Avoid greed in all its forms.” Imagine these words whispered, between the lines that follow, in some sense hidden. Subversive, slowly revealed. The gospel heralds radical social change …

Prayers of intercession

PRAYERS: Prayers of intercession by Miriam, Jane and Andrew, Liturgy Resource Group, SSUC.

‘Good eggs’

HOMILY: Orient yourselves to God. Affirm God’s goodness and otherness. Express openness and desire for God’s future. Petition for basic, collective needs – ask to receive and commit to give. Acknowledge human frailty and finitude.

‘Perhaps Lazarus sees the big picture’

HOMILY: And now we see the full measure of wisdom in the house of Martha and Mary, who, with their (mute) brother Lazarus, offer hospitality (safety, nourishment) to Jesus …