‘Three angels’

HOMILY: “The Christian image of the Trinity as perichoresis is a playful dance around the chora, circling about the core space of hospitality, the generative womb of Sarah and Mary, the eucharistic chalice of bread and wine.”

Workshops in June

SATURDAY ART WORKSHOP: Catherine and Andrew will lead the workshops in June. See post for materials list. Lunch provided. Gold coin donations gratefully received.

‘Works of love in action’

HOMILY: The Orthodox icon called Descent of the Holy Spirit shows the inner meaning of Pentecost – revealed to event participants … This inner or theological meaning is deep and wide.

‘Greater works than these’


Music for plants

GARDEN TIPS: Just as birds sing and the wind makes its own kind of music, humans enjoy making music – plants enjoy it, too.

‘Almost Pentecost’

HOMILY: Ascension registers departure and letting go, not as abandonment but as blessing. Ascension means we are close to Pentecost as exclamation on the season of Easter, as celebration of Christ re-embodied.

‘Sustained by a vision’

HOMILY: When I was 20 years old, I heard Nelson Mandela speak in Sydney at a prayer service for the people of South Africa. It was one of the most moving occasions that I can recall because it was, for me, the first time I truly realised what it means for someone to be sustained by a vision.

‘Making all things new’

HOMILY: “Look for me where you are going to find me,” Jesus says, “love one another.”

Transforming art

SATURDAY ART WORKSHOP: Micaela Christie will lead the workshops in May. All materials and lunch provided. Gold coin donations gratefully received.

Prayer for Mother’s Day

PRAYERS: We offer prayers of thanks and love for our mothers …