Introducing Chris
GARDEN TIPS: This is the first in a series of gardening hints and tips.
GARDEN TIPS: This is the first in a series of gardening hints and tips.
CHILDREN’S MINISTRY: The shapes, textures and colours express the joy of life in community.
IN MEMORIAM: Terry James Irving (17/6/1970–10/6/2021) was a valued member of the South Sydney community. Those who knew him best remember a proud Bundjalung man, fiercely loyal, quick-witted – a lover of animals, music and painting.
NEWS: We will complete the National Church Life Survey following our worship on Sunday February 27.
NEWS: We are excited to launch our new church website – an inclusive platform for storytelling (the story of our parish and people goes on) as well as a means of sharing resources and inviting participation in diverse ministries.
HOMILY: The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting occurred on December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut. Twenty-six people were killed. Our artworks for today were created on January 28, 2020, by fourth-grade students at Sandy Hook.
NEWS: Thanks to local artist Britt Johnson for creating our two communion plate baskets.
LITURGY: Vespers liturgy based on a template short version of Evening Prayer from the Catholic Diocese of Maitland Newcastle.
HOMILY: I realise, again, my love for Sr Corita Kent (1918-1986), whose artworks embody so wonderfully/colourfully an orthodox faith – what we might call, after Catherine Keller, and in recognition of orthodoxy’s depth (diverse gifts and vocations), “polydoxy”.
HOMILY: Nehumi lived and laboured for the ones he loved. I’m in awe of the story – the leaps of faith, the open doors, the guiding hands, commitments honoured, elders remembered – the weight of responsibility he regarded a blessing – the grandchildren lifted high.