National Church Life Survey – February 27

NEWS: We will complete the National Church Life Survey following our worship on Sunday February 27.

New website – for storytelling, sharing the work

NEWS: We are excited to launch our new church website – an inclusive platform for storytelling (the story of our parish and people goes on) as well as a means of sharing resources and inviting participation in diverse ministries.

‘Only love is revolutionary’

HOMILY: The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting occurred on December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut. Twenty-six people were killed. Our artworks for today were created on January 28, 2020, by fourth-grade students at Sandy Hook.

Communion plates – and baskets

NEWS: Thanks to local artist Britt Johnson for creating our two communion plate baskets.

Vespers (Readings and Prayers)

LITURGY: Vespers liturgy based on a template short version of Evening Prayer from the Catholic Diocese of Maitland Newcastle.

‘Three crucial questions’

HOMILY: I realise, again, my love for Sr Corita Kent (1918-1986), whose artworks embody so wonderfully/colourfully an orthodox faith – what we might call, after Catherine Keller, and in recognition of orthodoxy’s depth (diverse gifts and vocations), “polydoxy”.

‘… for my yoke is easy and my burden is light’

HOMILY: Nehumi lived and laboured for the ones he loved. I’m in awe of the story – the leaps of faith, the open doors, the guiding hands, commitments honoured, elders remembered – the weight of responsibility he regarded a blessing – the grandchildren lifted high.

Support for Tonga

NEWS: In the aftermath of the volcanic eruption and tsunami, Act for Peace is working closely with the Tongan National Council of Churches to help respond to people’s immediate needs.

‘Love and release’

HOMILY: As we heard in the liturgy last week, Jesus stands and reads from Isaiah 61, omitting a reference to divine vengeance (Isa. 61:2b) and adding a phrase to do with “release” (from Isa. 58:6; see also Lev. 25:10). Jesus reads deeply/creatively.

‘Going home’

HOMILY: Going back to a formative place can affect how we see ourselves and think about how others see us. Revisiting a place that was familiar to us in childhood allows us to see what has changed and how we have changed …