‘The fountain and the fig tree’

HOMILY: On Monday morning I met with Dorothy for a walk in Redfern Park. We talked about the gospel, about the apostles with Jesus in a boat (boundary crossings), about the tassels (tzit-tzit), the Torah, touch and healing.

‘Shake it off’

HOMILY: Jesus calls disciples to travel lightly and to live simply – to declutter, we might say, to discard weighty anguish, foolish ambition, gnostic wishes, fears of missing out, even worries over other people’s desiring and accumulating …


PRAYERS: Inspired by John 6:1-21, the following intercessory prayers were written for Ordinary Sunday 17B (July 25) by participants in our monthly Liturgy Resource group – Jane, Anne, Abner and Andrew.

‘Connectedness, the highest truth’

HOMILY: Far from being an exclusive “guru” figure dispensing eternal wisdom, John’s Jesus invites all who see and hear him to join him in humility as the One who goes to the cross, united with Abba God in redemptive suffering for the world.