Prayer for Mother’s Day

PRAYERS: We offer prayers of thanks and love for our mothers …

Prayer cards

PRAYERS: Thanks to Sini, James, Netta and Jacquie (and Andy!) for creating diverse and colourful prayer cards.

Worship services in Holy Week

NEWS: Our services in Holy Week commemorate Jesus’ last days in Jerusalem – from Palm Sunday to Holy Thursday, the crucifixion on Good Friday, the silence of Holy Saturday.

Benedictions – inclusivity, care, creativity, justice

PRAYERS: Based on mission themes/strengths identified by the Synod’s Mission Enablement Team.

Benedictions – inspired by Scriptures

PRAYERS: The following benedictions are inspired by Bible readings.

Taizé 2022 Pilgrimage of Trust

NEWS: Taizé 2022 Pilgrimage of Trust comprises a week of events in various locations in NSW. The theme is ‘Becoming Creators of Unity’.

Ash Wednesday services – March 2

NEWS: Services for Ash Wednesday will be held on March 2, at 8.30am and 5.30pm, in the church and via Zoom (same logins as for regular worship).

Calls to worship

PRAYERS: The following calls to worship were written by Pamela, Jane, Andrew, Miriam and James as part of a Liturgy Resource activity.

Benedictions – ‘We pray, we serve, we grow’

PRAYERS: The following benedictions for Ordinary Sundays in August 2021 incorporate the mission motto: “We pray, we serve, we grow.”

Benedictions – ‘Create, become, together’

PRAYERS: The following benedictions for Ordinary Sundays in June-August 2021, incorporate the mission motto: “Create, become, together.”