We offer opportunities for community participation and service via the South Sydney Herald newspaper, the Orchard Gallery for artists, and partnership with local organisations including Blue Knot Foundation, Cana Communities, the Cooperative (youth opera and social justice), and I Cantarini.
We value our diverse community connections.
Blue Knot Foundation
We have been privileged to work with Dr Cathy Kezelman and Blue Knot Foundation (formerly Adults Surviving Child Abuse) for more than 10 years. Blue Knot Day, which calls on all Australians to unite in support of the more than five million (one in four) Australian adults who have experienced complex trauma, is held on October 28. SSUC holds a dedicated Blue Knot prayer service each year. We also help plan and facilitate interfaith gatherings in support of Blue Knot Day. For more information please contact Heather Robinson.
Cana Communities
Over many years we have enjoyed ministry with Cana Communities, a Catholic project in support of those “with least options”. Cana focuses on people who are most in need, who are suffering from loneliness, mental illness, addictions, homelessness and other factors which alienate them within society. Our partnership has included the Garden Shelter, which offered hospitality and overnight accommodation to men experiencing homelessness. We are currently exploring new opportunities including art therapy workshops, social activities and community gardening.
Drama and Music Groups
We support local creative initiatives by hosting regular meetings, rehearsals and special events. Current groups include Théâtre Excentrique, Voices from the Vacant Lot, Voices & Viols, the Cleftomaniacs and the Cooperative youth opera company.
I Cantarini
I Cantarini, a 16th-century madrigal group, is part of our arts ministry and Arts working group.
Music Jam
1-3pm, 3rd Friday of the month
Music Jam (collaboration and improvisation) generates music for worship, social justice and celebration. We meet in the manse (173 George St Redfern). All welcome. Bring a chord progression, riff, beats or lyrics.
Contact Andrew.
Orchard Gallery
The Orchard Gallery is an artist-run space within the church that hosts art exhibitions by local artists. The Orchard Gallery also hosts exhibitions of works created by our Saturday Art Workshop participants and the SSUC artist in residence. Visit the Orchard Gallery website for further information, exhibitions, art purchases and more.
In 2025, art workshops are held in the manse (173 George St Redfern) on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays, 12-4pm.
Saturday Art Workshops
12-4pm, 2nd & 4th Saturdays of the month, manse
Our teachers lead workshops exploring a range of art and craft practices including watercolour, printmaking, collage and ceramics. Lunch and art materials provided. Entry by gold coin donation.
South Sydney Herald
The South Sydney Herald (SSH) is a monthly newspaper (print and online) featuring stories of relevance to local residents. The SSH relies on volunteer content editors, writers, visual artists/photographers and distributors. In line with the congregation’s Mission Statement and Mission Priorities, the SSH seeks to “develop relationships with others in the community”, to “listen closely for and to vulnerabilities, needs and strengths of people (especially those who face insecurity, isolation, ill health, poverty, prejudice or persecution), living things and the earth itself, and make [itself] available to respond, including through advocacy”, and to “amplify the voices of locals in struggles to nurture and protect our community and green spaces”.
Contact the managing editor Anna Jahjah.
12-2pm, 1st Saturday of the month
Wordplay is a creative writing (poetry) group that meets in the manse. The group is part of our arts ministry. Poems are published here.