Image: Buru ngalluk, or kangaroo grass, grain plant at Yumburra farm in Victoria (photo by Yumburra).

‘Action and reflection’

Andrew Collis
Lent 5, Year B
Psalm 51; Colossians 1:15-20; John 12:20-33

In chapter 1 of John’s gospel we read about two of John the Baptiser’s disciples choosing to follow Jesus. “When Jesus turned around and noticed them following, he asked them, ‘What are you looking for?’ They replied, ‘Rabbi’ – which means ‘Teacher’ – ‘where are you staying?’ ‘Come and see,’ Jesus answered” … 

Soon after, in the same chapter, we read that “Philip sought out Nathanael and said to him, ‘We’ve found the One that Moses spoke of in the Law, the One about whom the prophets wrote: Jesus of Nazareth, son of Mary and Joseph’. ‘From Nazareth?’ said Nathanael. ‘Can anything good come from Nazareth?’ ‘Come and see,’ replied Philip” … 

Today’s text from John 12 suggests that when the “Greeks”, via Philip and Andrew, ask to see him, Jesus recognises the advent of the “hour” – the hour of his glorification, accomplished on the cross and anticipated in the words and works of mercy (2:11). “Please, we would like to see Jesus.” Please, we would like to see Compassion/Courage/Grace/Truth/Healing/Love/Dignity … 

What’s it like to see (feel, touch, experience) for ourselves? What’s it like to explore a new place? What’s it like to visit people in their own home, in their home city or country … on Country? Exciting, humbling, daunting, rewarding …

What’s it like to be a guest on Country?

Perhaps, like me, you’re curious to learn more about native grass grains, Aboriginal agricultural knowledge … food sovereignty … flat breads made from ganalay or Mitchell grass … deep rooted … perennial … self-generating … self-sustaining … producing seed that drops and replaces dead plants (Dr Bram Mason, Yumburra Farm, Victoria).

Imagine where that might lead …

What’s it like to learn by way of action and reflection? What’s that process like – inquiring and listening, doing and thinking, refining and improving, trying again and again – action and reflection …? Demanding, frustrating, creative, transformative …

I remember a playwright saying one time that researching a field of interest led to all manner of discovery regarding particular vocations, responsibilities, joys and sorrows, drama … workshopping a script with actors led to further discovery … and likewise regarding audience participation and feedback.

Perhaps we think we already know. “Come and see,” says Jesus. We would truly like to see/sense/savour Compassion/Courage/Grace/Truth/Healing/Love/Dignity …

This kind of prayerful action and reflection relates to faith in Christ as an icon of goodness, an icon of Go(o)d: “Christ is the image of the unseen God and the firstborn of all creation, for in Christ were created all things in heaven and on earth …” (Colossians 1:15ff.).

It is always possible to make an idol of Jesus if we merely admire or venerate his story without a creative appropriation in our own lives/history, without action and reflection.

It is always possible to make an idol of Jesus if we merely admire or venerate his story without acting on a reflected glory in which we too have our being (in which all creatures have their being). We might refer to an inter-being, or even to inter-carnation (Catherine Keller). 

Please, we would like to see Jesus, the light of the world, the goodness of the world, our own lives in company and concert with all that is good.

“There’s always something surprising and expansive about icons,” says theologian Louis-Marie Chauvet … 

All ministry is a process of prayerful action and reflection (followed by action) … 

Thanks to our elders, office bearers and convenors for doing and thinking, refining and improving our ministries, systems and structures, trying again and again … for acting on a reflected glory in which we all have our being … in South Sydney and beyond. For witness and service, thank you … 

Perhaps we think we know already (what ministry looks like, what a working or formation group is all about … what Christ-like mission is all about). “Come and see,” says Jesus. We would truly like to see/sense/savour Compassion/Courage/Grace/Truth/Healing/Love/Dignity … Amen.