Image: ‘The Adoration by the Magi’, an Ethiopian artist’s impression (Photograph: Patrick Comerford):

‘Another way’

Andrew Collis
Epiphany, Year C
Isaiah 60:1-6; Psalm 72; Ephesians 3:1-12; Matthew 2:1-12

The word magi comes from the plural of the Greek magos, which in turn comes from the Old Persian magus. The magi are lovers of wisdom from the East … non-westerners, Arabian or African philosophers, Asian priests …

Our Collect (by Steven Shakespeare) suggests we acknowledge a holiness “known in the gifts / of those who call to other names / and walk on different ways …” Can we hear this and experience it? …

What gifts do magi of various schools/traditions bring to Christ, to the body of Christ? …

According to Matthew, the Christ-child inspires the magi not to inform on the holy family/fugitives. The baby makes them see they shouldn’t go back the same way. It is better to go another way. The magi defend the body of Christ.

Christ has a power (in life and in death). How does the baby inspire us? How does the child of a vulnerable/persecuted family or people inspire us?

More broadly, how do the children of other people inspire you? To do what? 

What resonates with you today? Amen.