Image: Charcoal drawing by Imre Badonski (

‘New identities, relations’

Andrew Collis
Ash Wednesday, Year C
Tobit 4:15-16, 18-19a; Psalm 51:10-17; Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18

The ashes, carbon crosses, symbolise our repentance and reorientation.

We repent, perhaps, of modernising zeal. The dream of globalisation – greedy and arrogant notions of progress, free (and unfair) markets; violent notions of the avant-garde, the new frontier, the universal. 

We repent, perhaps, of defensive/paranoid localism – grasping at identity, static notions of tradition; violent notions of blood and soil, hatred toward strangers, immigrants, refugees.

We seek the Wisdom of the transfigured Christ. We seek a safe, diverse, liveable, shareable place. A regrounding. A faithful “worlding” with friends and neighbours, trees and bees.

“Remember you are Country, and to Country you shall return” (Garry Worete Deverell).

We pray that we do not panic. We pray that we do not lose our bearings, or our minds.

We pray for the transfiguration of “progress”. The revolution, the events we are called to confront (the acceleration of global warming due to carbon-cycle feedbacks), situated in a recent past. The messianic promise, the Earth itself – life forms intertwining … fragile, robust.

We pray that we might not disparage others, mocking “utopian” or “nostalgic” passions. We pray for a Spirit of understanding, in the hope of forging alliances … new identities, relations … love.

Let us keep a holy Lent. Amen.