Image: Saints Clare and Francis of Assisi (

‘Rest for your souls’

Andrew Collis
Blessing of the Animals, Season of Creation B
Psalm 148; Matthew 11:25-30

After a vision at the ruined San Damiano Church, Francis began physically repairing the building, interpreting God’s command to “rebuild my Church” literally at first, before realising it also referred to spiritual renewal.

Where in this story do you rest (what appeals to you most)? How might it offer you deep or soulful rest?

In the town of Gubbio, a wolf was terrorising the locals. Francis approached the animal, spoke to it calmly, and persuaded it to stop attacking people. He then brokered peace between the wolf and the townspeople, who agreed to feed it in exchange for its gentleness.

Where in this story do you rest (or find meaning)? How might it offer you soulful (creative) rest? 

– I rest in the wisdom of understanding anger and aggression … confrontation with my own anger and aggression …

During the Fifth Crusade, Francis met with Sultan Malik al-Kamil of Egypt, seeking to end the violence. While Francis didn’t convert the Sultan, the two developed mutual respect, with the Sultan even offering Francis safe passage home.

Where in this story do you rest (or wait for God)? How might it offer you soulful (prayerful) rest? 

– I rest in the wisdom of knowing you don’t have to agree with someone to show them respect …

When Saracen mercenaries threatened her convent, Clare, though ill, held up the Eucharist at the monastery walls. The invaders, struck by an unseen force, retreated without harming anyone.

Where in this story do you rest (your eyes or heart or mind)? How might it offer you soulful (healing) rest? 

The icon of Saint Clare sometimes features a cat due to a tradition that arose from her life in the convent. At times, Clare was very ill and had difficulty moving, and it is said that a cat helped her by bringing her things, such as food or the rule book, though this may be more symbolic than historical. Cats, often seen as symbols of quiet companionship, may represent her contemplative life or the care she received in her infirmity.

Where in this story do you rest (or feel comfort)? How might it offer you soulful (genuine) rest?

– I rest in the wisdom of asking for help …
– I rest in the wisdom of cats and foxes as maternal creatures …

Saint Clare wrote a series of letters to Saint Agnes of Prague, a Bohemian princess who became a follower of Clare’s way of life. Agnes was a royal who renounced her wealth and position to live in poverty and prayer, inspired by both Saint Francis and Saint Clare.

Where in this story do you rest (or experience new life)? How might it offer you soulful (contemplative/regenerative) rest?

– I rest in the wisdom of letter-writing, keeping in touch with my family …
– I rest in the wisdom of good communication …
– I rest in the wisdom of conversion and social change …
