Image: Konstantina, ‘Raining on Eora: Garigal’, 2022. Ochre from Garigal Country and acrylic on canvas.

A treasury of prayers

The following prayers, in response to “treasure” as a mark of Christ’s mission, were written by mission workshop participants on May 12, 2024 (Easter 7B).

Alison Bleyerveen led the workshop at which we came to question/critique colonial mission practices/projects. A more useful term for us might be “un/mission” – there is much to learn and unlearn.

The prayers were inspired by readings from Mark’s Gospel (10:17-31; 14:3-10) – everlasting life, kinship/kindom; trust, touch, extravagant love.

Gadigal artist Konstantina writes: “We value kinship and family above everything” (Konstantina – interview with Kate Constantine, Andrew Collis, SSH May, 2024).


Generous God,
We give thanks for the Gadigal people
for whom the patterns of life are so important.

The Gadigal have long known the way
to sustainable life on Country –
only taking and consuming what is needed,
mindful of Country as community,
appreciative of Country as gift.

May we all learn to enjoy your gifts –
to cherish the land and waters and creatures,
that all might flourish.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Generous God,
We see people who are struggling –
victims of injustice, racism,
government policy and general apathy.

Their courage and dignity inspire us
to deeper respect –
the need for a fairer system,
for justice and reparation.

May we come to celebrate peace and love.

Generous God,
We reflect on home,
on the kindom Jesus showed and shared
as common-wealth.

We treasure family connections,
the distribution of food and drink,
resources, information, news, stories …

Generous God,
Help us to focus on an inclusive process,
caring for the broader community,
taking small steps to share what we have,
supporting each other.

Help us to slow down,
to treasure all we have.

Generous God,
We pray for simplicity,
sustainability …
learning from First Nations’ practices,
preventing the extinction of animals,
preserving your good gifts,
providing for future generations.

Generous God,
We pray that we may follow
the example of Jesus –

giving, sharing, caring,
loving and welcoming –

believing that, for you,
all things are possible.

Generous God,
We pray for stronger connections
between our church and community,
with love for all people,
whoever they are
and whatever their past …
that we put people first …

We pray for Mirrung Garden,
the development and flourishing
of native and bush tucker gardens …

treasuring the gifts of all peoples,
animals and creation.

We thank you, God,
for your unconditional love for us.