Table setting by Dorothy McRae-McMahon.
Photo: Andrew Collis
Prayer Vigil – Ordinary Sunday 17B
Prelude: Liszt, ‘Consolation No. 3’
You know the grace of our Saviour Jesus Christ,
that though he was rich, yet for our sake he became poor,
so that by his poverty we might become rich. (2 Cor. 8:9)
The grace of our Saviour Jesus Christ,
the love of God
and the friendship of the Holy Spirit
be with you all.
And also with you.
Lighting the Christ candle.
Let us acknowledge the sovereign and unceded lands and waters
of First Nations peoples …
Placing the sticks from Gadigal land
and using the chat function to acknowledge Country …
We pay our respects to First Nations people
who may be present.
We pay our respects to Elders past and present,
and recognise the work of younger Indigenous leaders
in the community.
We support the Uluru Statement from the Heart.
There is no reconciliation without justice
and the telling of truths hard to hear.
There is much good work to do.
We watch and pray for the day
we can gather again as one.
We do this in solidarity
with those who are suffering,
caring for the sick,
mourning the death of loved ones;
with those most affected and isolated –
including thousands in south-west Sydney –
and with friends unable to connect
via digital means.
You invited us, when tired, to come to you.
Despite all your goodness to us,
we do sometimes grow tired,
tired of our work
tired of life’s routine
tired of our failure
tired of our sin
tired even of ourselves.
We come to you for deliverance from our weariness.
May we find in you the source of new life
and a purpose in living it.
Jesus says, “I am committing myself to you.”
Jesus says, “Your sins are forgiven.”
Thanks be to God.
God of true abundance,
in whom nothing is lost
and all are fed:
liberate us
from meagre rations
of scarce and grudging love
for which we must compete;
show us another kindom
which stills our all-consuming fear
and fills us with new hope;
through Jesus Christ,
the peace of creation.
SONG ‘Do not be afraid’ (AOV2/73)
Do not be afraid, I am with you.
I have called you by your name, you are mine.
I have called you by your name, you are mine.
The Lord is my light and my help;
whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life;
before whom shall I shrink?
Do not be afraid, I am with you.
I have called you by your name, you are mine.
I have called you by your name, you are mine.
There is one thing I asked of the Lord;
for this I long:
To live in the house of the Lord
all the days of my life.
Do not be afraid, I am with you.
I have called you by your name, you are mine.
I have called you by your name, you are mine.
I am sure I shall see the Lord’s goodness
in the land of the living.
Hope in God! Hold firm and take heart.
Hope in the Lord.
Do not be afraid, I am with you.
I have called you by your name, you are mine.
I have called you by your name, you are mine.
GOSPEL John 6:1-21
The good news and power of God.
Praise to you, O Jesus Christ.
Jesus, you are free to love;
Free us from fear to share your love.
Our lives are busy and noisy.
We are not always good at knowing when to rest,
or when to take time for quiet prayer.
Jesus, you are free to love;
Free us from fear to share your love.
It is human to feel.
Emotions can connect us to each other and to you.
All emotions have this capacity.
Jesus, you are free to love;
Free us from fear to share your love.
We pray for food services, food hubs and food vans;
Oz Harvest, Favour, the Wayside Chapel, Youth Off the Streets,
volunteers as well as local bakeries and other businesses.
Jesus, you are free to love;
Free us from fear to share your love.
People are hungry on our streets.
People are hungry in our churches.
Sometimes they are not seen.
Help us to acknowledge them.
Jesus, you are free to love;
Free us from fear to share your love.
Help us to be generous
so we can recognise loneliness, isolation and despair;
so we can recognise the hunger for learning,
the passion for music, life and wisdom.
Jesus, you are free to love;
Free us from fear to share your love.
Silence for prayers … using chat function.
People are displaced and in need of a home.
May they know your peace.
May we open our homes and hearts to all in need.
Make us channels of your peace.
And where there is hunger, let us bring what we have.
Keep us close to Christ who teaches us to pray …
Father and Mother of us all,
May all proclaim your worth.
Your kingdom come, your will be honoured
in heaven and on Earth.
Give us today the things we need,
our shelter, our money, our food.
Forgive us our debts as we agree
to treat others as you would.
Lead us in ways that do not tempt us
or put us to the test.
Save us from faults or compromise
that would rob us of our best.
For you are the heart of the kindom,
your power and glory extend
through time and space forever and ever,
and so shall it be. Amen.
Through your healing power, God,
the love of peace quells violence
and vengeance yields to forgiveness.
Grant that we will become channels of your peace
and heralds of your reign. Amen.
The peace of Christ be with you all.
And also with you.
Let us share the peace that is the gift of Christ.
We bow to each other …
The blessing of the Trinity,
the blessing of God
who is in this place and every place;
the blessing of Jesus
who is among us, often unrecognised;
the blessing of the Holy Spirit
encouraging us to welcome, and to feel at home;
be with us all.
May our life in community reflect the dance of the Trinity,
by which the world is blessed. Amen.
SONG ‘Thuma Mina’ (mp3 file)
Thuma mina.
Thuma mina, thuma mina,
thuma mina Somandla.
Send me, Lord.
Send me, Jesus; send me, Jesus;
send me, Jesus; send me, Lord.
Lead me, Lord.
Lead me, Jesus; lead me, Jesus;
lead me, Jesus; lead me, Lord.
Fill me, Lord.
Fill me, Jesus; fill me, Jesus;
fill me, Jesus; fill me, Lord.
I will go, Lord.
I will go, Lord; I will go, Lord:
in your name, Lord, I will go.
Interlude: ‘All good gifts’
Donations in support
of our ministries are gratefully received
UCA South Sydney
BSB: 634 634
Acc: 100048727
Collect from Steven Shakespeare, Prayers for an Inclusive Church, Church Publishing, New York, 2009.
‘Do not be afraid’ © Christopher Willcock SJ, 1974. Lyric reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE, License # A-737036. All rights reserved.
Intercessions: Liturgy Resource Group, SSUC (Abner, Jane, Anne, Andrew).
Lord’s Prayer translation and music by Alison Jones (Clark) © 2016. Used by permission.
‘Thuma Mina’, trad. South Africa, arrangement Walton Music Corp., Florida. Lyric reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE, License # A-737036. All rights reserved.
Blessing from Iona Abbey Worship Book, WGP, Glasgow, 2001.