Act2 discussion
Sunday 26 November after church service, 11:30am-1pm
About Act2
The National Assembly of the Uniting Church in Australia (UCA) is seeking responses from local congregations and councils to a special project about the directions and structure of the UCA. The project is called Act2 because, 50 years after union, the UCA is entering a second stage of its life. Considering the changing contexts and needs of congregations, the Assembly is proposing:
- Four directions for local communities of faith and discipleship, and
- Four possible options for UCA governance and resourcing.
Everyone is invited to be a part of this whole of church discernment and to give their responses to the directions and options.
On Sunday 19 November, Richard La’Brooy, who is on the Act2 Steering Committee, will preach to help our congregation to prepare to give our feedback.
On Sunday 26 November after church (11:30am-1pm), we will hold an informal discussion to give our congregation’s feedback. This discussion will focus on the four directions for local communities of faith and discipleship.
If you would like to be part of the discussion on 26 November, please read the full Act2 report, concentrating on “Section 5 Directions For Workstream 1: Local Communities Of Faith And Discipleship” (pages 38-45).
You can access the report at
You might also like to look at the following resources:
Short video introducing Act2.
Full overview video, introducing the discernment phase, directions and options.
Short video with the directions only.
Visual illustration of the directions and options.
As you reflect on each direction, please consider the following questions:
- How might this direction make a difference to our life together as a church?
- What are the opportunities this might offer us?
- What are the risks we need to think about?
- What things would we need to think about if we implement this?
- Show do you feel about this direction? Do you feel:
Supportive – generally warm to this direction,
Open – open to this direction with questions or concerns, or
Not supportive – generally cool to this direction?
What about the options for governance and resourcing?
If you would like to talk about the options for governance and resourcing, please see Miriam – a different time to discuss this can be organised.