Morning teas!
It’s back! Morning teas will be served starting Sunday – thanks to Dalcy, Melinda, Abner, Andy and David. We have delicious Nature’s Cuppa tea brewed in pots, plus plunger coffee – organic and fair trade from Oxfam.
Sini and James are also working on a Grace for us to learn and pray.
If you’d like to join the Hospitality working group please let Andrew know (text 0438 719 470).
At Oxfam Australia, we believe all lives are equal and no-one should live in poverty.
We believe that in a wealthy world, poverty is unjustifiable and preventable, that the present state of inequality and injustice must be challenged, and that with the right help, people can change their lives for the better.
That’s why we are part of a global movement of people working together to eliminate poverty by tackling inequality.
Working with partners, allies, communities and our supporters, we are changing the world for the better at every level, at scale, here and now, and for the long term.