Image: Pink roses in loving memory of Marg Vazey. A gift from the Vazey family on the occasion of a memorial held at Blackwattle Bay on Saturday, April 29, 2023. Marg was a beloved crew member of dragon boat club Dragons Abreast, Sydney.
What’s on this week
Check this post regularly for events and activities. We look forward to seeing you.

Image: Flowers for Cathie by Svetlana. Flowers from Mirrung Garden, December 2024.
Repair and restoration work on the church and hall will commence soon.
We have now moved essential things to the manse (folding tables, plastic chairs, art materials, etc.), and started meeting for worship at The Factory community centre in Raglan Street.
Arts activities, Gospel Conversation, church council and other meetings will be held in the manse this year.
This Sunday (March 23) we will gather at The Factory for a service of Word and Sacrament to mark Lent 3.
Our gospel is Luke 13:1-9.
Victims of violence and cruel circumstance are not to blame. The focus shifts from blame to mercy: the urgent invitation to love, and to accept love’s responsibilities. Forget blame. We’re all in this together …
Elections April 27
The Lenten season means discernment of spiritual gifts … toward nominations for leadership roles at SSUC …
On April 27, 2025 (Easter 2) we will hold a ballot for the election of Elders & Church Councillors. Some of our current leaders are serving two-year terms (Naomi Ward (E), Alison Bleyerveen (E), Kelly Byrne (E/CC)); all others are eligible for re-election … as are all voting members of SSUC (confirmed members and members in association) …
As we consider those with gifts for leadership in this congregation-community-garden, might we discern those with wisdom akin to Jesus – a vine dresser tilling, planting, protecting, feeding …
The Nomination Form is available to download here. Please print out, complete, scan and send to Andrew: 0447 007 096.
Thanks to all worship leaders (please check the online worship roster for opportunities in March-July – you might like to volunteer as a reader, musician, tech host, helper with setup or server of morning tea).
Our presbytery’s Pastoral Relations Committee has authorised Alison and Karen as lay presiders for celebrations of the Eucharist (until July 2027).
Music Jam – Friday March 21
Regular and new participants welcome. Bring a musical instrument or something you’re working on – a chord progression, riff, beat, lyrical idea … Meet at the manse (173 George St Redfern), 3pm.
Art Workshop – Saturday March 22
Regular and new participants welcome. Our facilitator is Yvonne Hocothee. All materials and lunch provided, gold coin donation. Meet at the manse (173 George St Redfern), 12-4pm. We will enjoy a workshop out the back under our new gazebo!
South Sydney Herald
The April issue of the SSH is out soon! Please see Lyn, Norrie or Andrew if you’d like to know more about the SSH – there are opportunities to volunteer as a contributor or distributor. Story ideas welcome – reports, profiles, interviews, reviews, comment, photos and artworks …
Many of us followed Alicia Dong’s “carer’s journey” in the SSH last year – profound and moving reflections on love (with beautiful artworks by Gloria Liang). You can read part 11 here.
‘Living with Dementia’ book launched in support of carers and their loved ones
You can read about the book launch and art exhibition here. Thanks to Miriam for writing this article for the SSH March issue:
Visit the SSH website for latest news and online exclusives.
Missional thinking and planning
Thanks to Alison for leading and to everyone who took part in the worship-workshops over the Easter season.
The workshop responses (so much wonderful material!) have been used to create a Vision & Planning Document, with hopes and goals for the future of SSUC. Thanks to Greg and the Futures Task Group for progressing this work. Please let Greg know if you’d like to be involved with the Futures Task Group in coming months – there are opportunities to help with specific tasks.
Please let Andrew know if you’d like a spiral-bound paper copy of the Vision & Planning Document.
Mirrung Garden
The hens have now moved into their new coop on Hippopotamus Farm in Tomerong.
There are opportunities to create gardens at the front and back of the manse. We are setting up some pots and beds at the manse – as well as a worm farm!
Follow garden progress on Instagram @mirrunggarden
Read Gardening Hints and Tips by Chris Lodge here.

Image: Beautiful cosmos flowers – planted by Svetlana. Photo: Andrew Collis

Image: Our lovely hens have relocated to Hippopotamus Farm in Tomerong. Thanks to Naomi and carers for all their good work.
Celebration Points
- Restoration work is expected to commence in March and conclude in November 2025. During that time, worship services will be held at The Factory community centre in Raglan Street. Small group meetings (including art workshops and poetry meetings) will be held downstairs at the manse.
- SSH fundraiser aboard the Tribal Warrior on October 27 – thanks to all for a wonderful day on the water with our hosts Rhonda, Brock, Blake and Keara.
- SSH’s proposal for a second First Peoples Content Series of articles (March – August) curated by Aunty Norma Ingram has been approved. This is an exciting project.
- We are delighted to announce that the Rev. Betty Stroud will serve as supply minister for a period of six months, commencing April 1, 2025. Betty is a retired minister living in Orange. She is supportive of SSUC values and goals. Betty is a liturgist, writer, musician and traveller … Church council is currently in conversation with presbytery and synod regarding supply arrangements for Betty.
A letter from the Rev. Betty Stroud
Greetings to all at South Sydney Uniting Church.
I am looking forward to my time of ministry with you over the next six months.
I arrive in Sydney on Tuesday 1st April and will take up residence at the manse.
A bit about myself:
I grew up in Dubbo – one of a family of six children plus mum and dad.
Musical and acting interests developed at an early age – both of which I have pursued during my life. I spent twenty years teaching piano along with various secretarial jobs – one for a debt collector, which was interesting to say the least! In 1975 I opened a music and record shop which I had for fifteen years. As a member of Wesley House Players in Dubbo, I acted, sang, directed, produced, made costumes, and banged nails into wood!
Our family attended the Dubbo Methodist Church and my journey of faith started from an early age. Over the years I was encouraged in leadership roles, lay preaching, and pastoral care. In early 1993 I started to explore a call to ordained ministry, subsequently attended United Theological College and then, after graduating, was called to the Cowra Congregation at the beginning of 1998. Since then I served full time in Singleton and the Mid-Lachlan Mission Area.
I retired to Orange in 2011 – establishing a garden, enjoying walking, making new friends, reading and various other bits and pieces. Supply ministry has cropped up from time to time with longish stints at Canberra City, Tamworth and Armidale.
Travelling has provided many wonderful experiences since I embarked on an Overland Trip in 1976. During my travels I have had my horizons broadened, been amazed at wondrous architecture, met all sorts of people, looked at countless works of art, immersed myself in different cultures, walked many kilometres, and enjoyed different tastes and sounds.
In ministry, my passions are providing meaningful and relevant worship, listening to and walking with people, and attempting to live the gospel proclaimed by Jesus.
I look forward to meeting you and will be available on the phone (0460 854 906), by email ( or for a cup of tea/coffee either at the manse or a place of your choosing.
As you farewell Andrew over the coming days, I pray you will know the deep love of God upholding you as you celebrate Andrew’s ministry, reflect on what it has meant for you, and experience the grief that accompanies times like this.
Grace and peace,
Coming soon …
March 30: Closure of Ministry for the Rev. Andrew Collis. 10am at The Factory community centre. Please let Heather, Kelly, Anne or Garry know if you’d like to help with arrangements.
April 5: Farewell Picnic with Andrew in Redfern Park. 12pm. Please let Heather, Kelly, Anne or Garry know if you’d like to help with arrangements. Organisers are planning a traditional church picnic-style event with fun games including egg-and-spoon and sack races!