Image: Winter garden sculpture by Carolyne Miller (workshop by Catherine Skipper), June 2022.

Benedictions – congregation-community-garden

Benedictions by Andrew, 2022.

(Inspired by Psalm 30)

May the God of life
bless our congregation.

May the God of compassion
bless our community.

May the God of joy
bless our garden –
and all who garden.

May God change our despair into a dance,
inspire our hearts to sing and give thanks.

Now and forever. Amen.

(Inspired by Luke 10:25-37)

“There is a religion that is propaganda,
a religion that is sentimental and self-serving,
and there is a religion that calls us
to move beyond our comfort zone
to the space of otherness” (M.P. Hederman).

May the blessing of God
make us compassionate.

May the blessing of Christ
make us neighbours.

May the blessing of the Spirit
turn our hearts and hands
to the common good. Amen.

(Inspired by Psalm 52)

May we flourish like an olive tree
in God’s house.
May we trust in God’s love forever.
May we praise God for loving deeds.

And among God’s faithful –
in this congregation, community, garden –
may we trust in God’s Name,
for it is good. Amen.

(Inspired by Psalm 85)

As love meets faithfulness,
may God bless you.

As justice and peace embrace,
may God bless you.

As the land yields its harvest,
may God give you what is good.

And may the blessing of God –
in congregation, community, garden –
be upon you and remain with you,
this day and every day. Amen.

(Inspired by Psalm 49)

Resist those who lie and deceive,
who boast of nothing but their great wealth.
Their prosperity cannot keep them from death.

Trust in the One who offers freedom from fear,
freedom to seek knowledge and wisdom,
freedom for life in the world.

May this God bless you –
the Spirit of love,
Most High, Most Low –
now and forever.

(Inspired by Psalm 50)

As God speaks and summons the Earth,
may true love shine upon you.

As you offer your sacrifice of thanksgiving,
may God deliver and save you.

May our God bless you –
Spirit of love,
Most High, Most Low –
now and forever. Amen.

(Inspired by Psalm 71)

May God’s ear turn to you and save you.
May God rescue you from all violence,
from the clutches of thieves and outlaws.

Give constant praise to God –
in the congregation,
in the community,
in the garden.

Take shelter in God’s justice,
in the Rock of goodness,
today and every day …+

(Inspired by Psalm 81)

Sing out in praise of our God,
acclaim the God of our ancestors!

Listen to the voice of love,
and follow the paths to liberty.

May God bless you with finest wheat,
with honey from the rock …
with every good and perfect gift.

This day and every day …+