Image: Student minister Akosita shares the Peace with friends online. We are blessed to share in ministry with Akosita this year. Photo by Julie.

Prayer for SSUC

O God, as we face our future,
we pray that you, as the great Creator,
will gift us with your creativity,
as we vote for our leadership.

As we plan for our life
in this community and beyond,
we pray that the Christ,
who walked in our human way,
will bless us with wisdom and courage.

As we try to live with faith
in the inspiration and power
of your Holy Spirit,
we pray that you will expand
our hopes and dreams
for who we may be in each day.

Embrace us with your love and peace,
gracious God.
May we truly be your people.
This we pray in your Holy Name.

Prayer by the Rev. Dorothy McRae-McMahon.