Image: Stained-glass depiction of the Holy Spirit, St Peter’s Basilica.

Prayers of intercession

Prayer by Miriam, Jane and Andrew, Ordinary Sunday 17C, July 24, 2022.

Sing to God a new song;
Sing to God, all the earth.

Loving God,

Creator and Sustainer of the world in its diversity and wonder.
May there be peace for all.

We pray for food, shelter and safety for our communities,
and for the communities of the Pacific, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan and Ukraine.

As we receive safe dwelling places
we too commit to defending and working for secure shelter
for those experiencing homelessness or precarious housing,
for birds, fish, mammals,
for koalas and other endangered species.

We are dependent on you and on the flourishing of creation.

Sing to God a new song;
Sing to God, all the earth.

Silence for prayers … [using chat function and prayer cards]

Keep us close to Christ who teaches us to pray.


Father and Mother of us all,
May all proclaim your worth.
Your kingdom come, your will be honoured
in heaven and on Earth.

Give us today the things we need,
our shelter, our money, our food.
Forgive us our debts as we agree
to treat others as you would.

Lead us in ways that do not tempt us
or put us to the test.
Save us from faults or compromise
that would rob us of our best.

For you are the heart of the kindom,
your power and glory extend
through time and space forever and ever,
and so shall it be. Amen.

Lord’s Prayer setting by Alison Jones (nee Clark).
Used with permission.