Mount Carmel Retreat Centre, Varroville.

‘Becoming Creators of Unity’

Taizé 2022 Pilgrimage of Trust in NSW

Facilitated by a Brother from the Taizé Community

Friday, March 4 – Sunday, March 6: Dubbo
Contact: Shann Kellaway at
or see for details
Friday, March 4 – youth event at Dubbo Christian School
Saturday, March 5 – Half-day Reflection and Prayer
Sunday, March 6 – 1pm Wellington Macquarie Prison

Sunday, March 6 – Monday, March 7: Orange
6pm Uniting Church, 217 Anson Street
Info.: Rev. Andrew Cunningham, 6362 5788,

Monday, March 7: Davidson
7pm St Martin de Porres Roman Catholic Parish,
149 Prahan Avenue
Info.: Tony and Carmel Smith,

Tuesday, March 8: Corrimal
7.30pm Uniting Church, Russell Street
Info.: Mark Burns (Administrator),
(02) 4284 3605,

Wednesday, March 9: Enmore
7pm St Luke’s Anglican Church, 11 Stanmore Road
Info.: Rev. Jeff Parker, 9519 3028

Thursday, March 10: Kirribilli
Morning St Aloysius Catholic College

Thursday, March 10: Leura
7pm Uniting Church,
cnr Megalong & Grosse Streets
Info: Rev. Myung Hwa Park,

Friday, March 11 – Sunday, March 13: Varoville
Mount Carmel Retreat Centre
For details and registration

All welcome, especially 18-35s.