Image: Prayer card by Jovana, Carolyn and Jayden.
Minister’s Report
Annual General Meeting
November 10, 2024
“All of it church. All of it practice. An exercise in becoming the body of Christ: a congregation in a community with a garden … As members of Christ’s body, we pray (for liberation and release), we serve (with others committed to freedom, equity and peace), we grow (in wisdom – alive to many traditions, ancient and contemporary expressions of wisdom).”
“Every fraction of a degree matters. And now in this moment – even just looking honestly at what is – is an act of resistance” (Tamara Lindeman).
‘Hope and new life’
In today’s reading (Mark 12:38-44), which recounts Jesus’ final public act before his farewell speech to the disciples and subsequent passion, a poor widow gives “her whole livelihood” (literally, her “life”).
After several disputes with the temple establishment (a religious and commercial centre with a large staff, requiring great financial resources), Jesus lashes out at the scribes, pillorying their social posturing – wearing elaborate vestments, glorying in signs of honour, but most harshly “devouring the houses of widows” by promising to recite lengthy prayers.
Jesus then sits, faces the treasury and watches people donate money, most likely putting it in boxes marked “alms”, which have been found by archaeologists. A poor widow comes by; Jesus notices her as she throws in a couple of coins (lepta), the equivalent of a few cents.
The contrast is stark, not only between the rich, who give out of their surplus, and the widow, but also between the widow and the scribes.
In contrast to the external signs of honour sought by the scribes, she possesses true honour in God’s eyes. Her action not only symbolises what Jesus will do (that is, give his life) but provides a “bookend” with the action of the woman in Mark 14:1-11, who with extravagant largess anoints Jesus for his death.
Jesus calls us to sit with him for a moment and watch to see who participates in the life of our congregation-community-garden (our institutions, economies, ecologies) – to investigate the dark corners for people/souls in need of food, clothing, shelter, decent wages, a helping hand, an advocate, a friend.
And then not simply to observe, but to call others and invite them to open their eyes, too – to go and talk with those who are hidden in plain view – to ask them about their lives, to ask them how we might partner with them to create hope and new life. Amen.
PRAYER CARD 1: Simplicity
A prayer for simplicity, a simple prayer …
Simple/essential items/values for a time of transition (Rainbow flag, the light of Christ, food to share, basic technology, the warmth we need, the money we need); simple/radical faith/trust in the Spirit of Jesus … in the Spirit of Lydia and Paul.
Our library is called St Lydia’s. It houses all kinds of wisdom literature. Donated. Lovingly curated … The St Lydia’s Library emblem was created by artist in residence Jovana Terzic in 2013. It depicts St Lydia with a pelican icon of Christ/a …
The pelican is an ancient symbol of Christ/a … relating to Jewish and Greek cultures. It also relates to Gadigal culture … Christ/a as mother pelican … feeding her chicks … Biame as mother pelican … loving Gadigal Ngura … the land a library …
What might we observe?
A liturgical simplicity. Keeping to simple forms – Word and Sacrament, reflection on Word and Sacrament – relying on traditional symbols, minimal utensils. Keeping to established patterns, including an outdoor service on the first Sunday, small group activities on the second Sunday, lectio divina, Eucharist … Noticing the simple beauty of liturgical seasons, distinctive colours and themes.
We might notice the contribution of leaders who give time and attention to children. The contribution of children who teach us what really matters. Preachers who help uncover the treasurers of scripture and tradition. Artists who praise a wisdom we sometimes take for granted. The love and labour of those who serve, seek to improve settings and systems … the care and expertise of presbytery staff.
We might acknowledge and treasure time for worship, meditation and prayer composition.
Holy Week 2024 and Easter services were well attended: Holy Thursday – a liturgy including Foot-washing, Eucharist and words from Ali Abu Awwad (; Good Friday – a veneration of the Cross with friends from Cana Communities (; Easter Vigil – prayers around a fire in the garden and a Eucharist led by Garry (; Easter Day – wonderful celebration of Baptisms and Eucharist (
Baptisms were celebrated on March 31: Samantha Audrina Janson; Rebekah Canham; Noah Chamberlain; Jacob Chamberlain. Reaffirmations: Gehard Chamberlain; Blair Silverlock; Sukur Mohammed. Baptism on May 5: Luca Vincent Jenkins. Baptisms on December 10: Gill Ida Robson; Eliana Jane Tangi (parents Sione and Emily).
[Reaffirmations also at Mahon Pool, Maroubra: Jane Hogan; Polly Holdway; and at SSUC: Craig Robson (October 13).]
The Easter season saw us gather at tables for simple Christological worship-workshops. Alison led these, patterned on five marks of mission in the life, death and resurrection of Christ.
Whom to engage? The promise of conversations with Mascot-Wesley, Newtown Mission, Hope Maroubra … trusting the Spirit’s prompting …
With whom to partner? We have been using refrains like “doing church better on Gadigal land” for some time now. We have understood our vocation in terms of “parish mission”. A regional solution may ground and give shape to these longings.
Prayers of love and thanks for our administration assistant Alicia, our cleaners Yusa and Linda …
Prayers of love and thanks for all elders and office bearers, currently Anne Camac (chair of congregation and children’s advocate); Greg Garrett (chair of church council); Craig Robson (treasurer); Lyn Turnbull (secretary of church council and presbytery representative); Abner Cox; Melinda Kearns; Cathie Harrison; Naomi Ward; Alison Bleyerveen; Kelly Byrne; Catherine Skipper; Karen Banfield; Heather Robinson.
It has been a privilege to serve with Miriam, on church council and countless ministry projects, over more than 12 years. I have learned more than I can say – regarding fairer and safer systems, communication and accountability … theology, pastoral care and politics … regarding the gospel.
My prayer for us all is that we honour these works of love, build upon them … and look for ways to ease burdens and share responsibilities, creating space for engagement and release (freedom with and for each other).
PRAYER CARD 2: Cooperation
A prayer for cooperation.
Put simply, prayer means cooperation with Christ. More fully, salvation/happiness is cooperation, in the Spirit, with the grace of God.
This prayer card shows it beautifully – colourful human figures; a canine companion. Sharing the Peace.
It’s already happening.
The marriage of Michael MacKenzie-Shreenan and Robin Moffat – Katoomba, March 16, 2024. The marriage of Shale Preston and Melinda Kearns – Athol Hall, Mosman, July 7, 2024.
Memorials and funerals, celebrations of grace in the lives and families of Ashley Pepper (at Charlestown UC, April 4); Yasher, beloved Tree of Hope community member (at SSUC, May 1); Patrick Ralph Pound, at Woronora Memorial Park (June 24); Stuart Gardner at Woronora Memorial Park (September 4).
Alicia’s husband Stuart passed on August 27. Alicia has been caring for Stuart for six years, and her carer’s journey reflection series continues in print and online. The SSH is honoured to carry this work.
We might observe/treasure time for Gospel Conversation – Pondering the Parables, Belonging (theological reflection on what it means to belong in community, on Gadigal land, as the people of God, as the body of Christ), Queering the Text …
With thanks to Greg for curating; with thanks to facilitators Marguerite Foxon, Heather Robinson, Rev. Lofa Anga’aelangi, Rev. Dr Peter Walker, Rev. Dr Karina Kreminski, Dr Matt Anslow, Rev. Ben Gilmour, Rev. Dr Garry Deverell.
Cooperation also looks to creative and effective communication across various channels. Thanks to Tim and Maddie, Gill and Alison for first steps toward forming a communications task group: resetting Instagram and Facebook accounts. The @sundayssuc account, administered by Tim and Maddie, has been renamed: it is now @southsydneyuniting in keeping with our website name.
Naomi has offered to administer the @edencommunitygarden account, which has been renamed @mirrunggarden …
The SSH Instagram account (@southsydneyherald) has been restored! Please let me know if you’d like to administer this account – we’d really appreciate the assistance.
@orchardgallery2017 is coming soon! We will ask someone on the Arts working group to administer this account.
PRAYER CARD 3: Hospitality
A prayer for hospitality.
Is there a model of hospitality more radical than the Eucharist?
With Christ, we give thanks for creation and community. We receive and offer encouragement, nourishment. We learn to be guests and hosts. We re-member …
We bake cakes, brew tea and coffee (thanks Dalcy, Eli, Alo, Anne, Carolyn, Dorothy), celebrate birthdays and other milestones – Happy 90th to you, dear Dorothy! (Thanks, Naomi!) – sing and play, share time and space with choirs, community groups, justice groups …
We note with gratitude that PRC has given formal permission for Garry to preside at SSUC under Regulation 3.1.3(q) (until July 2027). Karen Banfield and Alison Bleyerveen have been given permission as Lay Presiders (until July 2027).
Lee Newbold (a Bundjalung man, artist and baker) has baked several loaves using native grain flour (kangaroo grass) for our Eucharistic celebrations. Lee is a member of Cana Communities and attends Thursday night worship services at Newtown Mission. He has been active in Mirrung Garden and will join me for discussions with Uncle Ray Davison toward a Gadigal-themed mural on the garden shed, and more …
With Christ, we give thanks for creation and community.
We practise pastoral/spiritual care.
Our most recent pastoral care resource was recommended by Karen. In Our Unforming: De-Westernizing Spiritual Formation, Cindy S. Lee proposes that we as the church need a new way to engage in spiritual formation. “To thrive in our increasingly diverse contexts, we need an unforming and a reforming of our souls. We need to unform the ways Western-dominated church leaders have understood formation. We need to reform – to imagine and create a more intricate spirituality that includes diverse experiences of God.”
A prayer for the garden, in the garden, with the garden.
What is the number one hobby in the world? Gardening!
Mirrung is a Gadigal word that means “belonging”. As the gardening continues, so too the reflection on modes of belonging to Country.
How might we better observe what’s happening in the garden?
We might become attuned to Gadigal seasons, stories, lore, language; native trees and plants, bees and birds; traditional knowledge-holders; sovereignty; the needs of the Aboriginal community and Aboriginal groups/organisations on Gadigal land.
We might acknowledge the ways we both treasure and trample the good gifts of Earth, Humanity, Sky, Mountain, Fire (and other elements) …
We might explore fresh and faithful ways to worship in the garden … among the rocks and stones, plants and animals … beloved hens … opportunities to garden with others in other gardens – especially while repair work is carried out in 2025.
With thanks to Cathie for longstanding commitment and overarching vision … with thanks to Aunty Linda Corley, Uncle Ray Davison, Bernie and Andre, Jasmin and Lachlan, Jed, Ron, Graeme and Lee, Svetlana and Serafima, Murray, Adrian, David, Abdul, Anne, Carolyn, Amanda, David, Anne, Catherine and everyone who’s believed, over many years, in the goodness of gardening – with thanks to Chris Lodge who models the patience of Christ the gardener:
A year ago, we installed a “no worries” bench in honour of the late Nancy Lee Lodge. We have also placed a couple of sandstone blocks beside the bench – a “never give up” coffee table.
Current members of the Mirrung Garden working group: Cathie Harrison, Anna Kovic (co-convenors), Ben Ward (coordinator), Naomi Ward, Kelly Byrne, Alison Bleyerveen.
The City of Sydney has been very supportive – by way of potting mix and mulch, food waste bins, tools. We have loved having the teachers and children from Green Elephant Early Learning visit the garden this year (thanks to Naomi). Dr Rosemary Hancock (University of Notre Dame) is also a regular visitor and observer. Rosemary and her son Orlando enjoy helping with various tasks.
The working group imagines – in the not-so-distant future! – accessible bays and entryways, permaculture workshops, a Pasifika wall and garden, social events, poetry readings, art-making and live music, prayers and meditation, planting, harvesting and sharing of fruit and vegetables, bush tucker, herbs, eggs … composting, water management and irrigation systems … a rewired coop with a chicken run, murals and sculptures …
Our Mirrung Garden information sheet includes the following theological statements, with thanks to Miriam: “We Christians are here to make sacraments throughout the earth, both to succeed and to fail, to plant trees and heal what is abused, to replenish the earth with fruit and beauty, to let wildlife habitats complement the built environment, to grow food even in cities, to let the cosmic Christ shine through the earth” (The Cosmic Circle: Jesus and Ecology, Edward P. Echlin, 2004, The Columba Press, p.135).
“Everything gardens (or modifies its environment). The example of a bird; it may collect small sticks, twigs, mosses and grass to construct a nest … it may also eat berries and digest the fleshy fruit and excrete the seed … it converts energy from one form to another to create soil fertility … it contributes to the chorus of nature … at the same time nurturing favourable conditions for subsequent generations” (Principle from Permaculture: A Designer’s Manual by Bill Mollison, 1988).
Follow garden progress @mirrunggarden
PRAYER CARD 5: Restoration
A prayer for restoration.
Repairs and restoration work on the church and hall is set to commence in January. The work, overseen by the presbytery property and development manager Ryan Van Der Woude, will ensure that our buildings are sound, safe and watertight.
This next period of work comes in the wake of so much work, worry and love.
Scholar and botanist Robin Wall Kimmerer (Potawatomi Nation) speaks of “re-story-ation”. Which may serve to remind us that restoring our buildings to safe and strong, even attractive, standards, is not as crucial as building our capacities for love and wisdom.
Re-story-ation means creativity grounded in scripture and tradition, faith and reason, with conversation partners, including Country.
Our psalm for today begins: “If God is not the architect of our plans, / then they are doomed to failure. / How foolish to think / that early risings / and late nights / will accomplish the work of God” (Psalm 127:1-2).
We might observe the gifts and calling of sacred storytellers/preachers and beautiful homilies by Karen, Hee Won, Garry and Alison.
We might appreciate the gifts and calling of artists and poets and musicians (Miriam, Heather, Norrie, Abner, Sally, Garry, many singers and percussionists) – conducting our prayers and helping us make connections.
Current members of the Arts working group: Carolyne Miller and Catherine Skipper (co-convenors), Alana Valentine, Micaela Christie, Michael Johnson (I Cantarini), Anne Camac, Emma Newton, Anna Jahjah.
Saturday art workshops (on the second and fourth Saturdays) have been well attended, lively and social gatherings … with thanks to our teachers including Catherine Skipper, Carolyne Miller, Micaela Christie, Yvonne Hocothee, Jim Anderson and Anna Jahjah.
Exhibitions at the Orchard Gallery: Neighbourhood Centre Week group show May 18; Little Picture Show June 8; Danielle Joy Golding Flowers July 13; Blak & Blu 2024 on September 14; Orchard Gallery Spring Fair November 23.
Living With Dementia – A Carer’s Journey book launch and exhibition set for Thursday February 20, 6pm at Paddington UC in Oxford Street. More information soon.
The inaugural Spring Fair fundraiser on November 25, 2023 – with BBQ and clay workshop in the garden, Christmas gifts, silent auction, poetry book launch, live music by I Cantarini and Boy Torch, and more – was a wonderful occasion. We look forward to this year’s Fair, a fundraiser for our arts activities. Thanks again to Jason Naylor for donation of the banner.
The Wordplay poets continue to meet on the first Saturday of each month, from 12-2pm. Regular and occasional poets share responses to a poetry prompt each month – the poems are published here:
Catherine has edited a selection of works to be printed in time for the Spring Fair. The Kaleidoscope anthology will be available for purchase.
On the third Friday of the month, we meet in the church (or manse) for Music Jam, from 1-3pm. You are very welcome to join us. Please bring a chord progression, lyric, beat, riff, song idea … enthusiasm for music … We often rehearse a song we can play together on the first Sunday in the garden.
PRAYER CARD 6: Un/mission
A prayer for un/mission – unlearning and learning, undoing and doing …
We are a welcoming and diverse group of people from South Sydney and beyond. We are open to God at work in the world. We seek to be a community of peace, justice, compassion and faithfulness. We look for the Holy Spirit in all things and we strive to care for all creation. With Christ, we dare to be honest in our lives and to explore difficult questions together. We are open to different points of view. We share love, friendship, hospitality and hope with each other and with our neighbours, regardless of faith or sexuality. We seek to overcome both exclusion and abuse.
The verbs are key: we are open … we seek … we look for the Holy Spirit … we strive to care for all creation … with Christ, we dare … we are open … we share … we seek to overcome …
This time last year, we noted:
The mission of God is movement and moves us … from here to there, from individuation/isolation to community, from addiction/idolatry to freedom … The missio dei, like music, offers space for healing – invites change, brings wisdom and grace … However it reaches/touches us, however the chord strikes, we know the song – professing and protesting love, drawing us in … even releasing, from within a broad tradition, something unexpected, needed – a treasure, a tonic! … We pray (and sing). We serve (and sing). We plant, grow (and sing).
This year, during Easter, Alison did a wonderful job to open spaces for reflection on mission – the mission of God in Christ (marked by a certain telling, teaching, tending, treasuring and transforming). I enjoyed working on liturgies with Alison over the six weeks – curating readings from Mark’s gospel, artworks by Gadigal artist Konstantina, words in the Sydney Language and various modes of working together in table groups (we enjoyed meeting and sharing at tables).
It’s been very satisfying to see this piece of work take shape – professions of faith, hope and love on Gadigal land, re-commitments to “un/mission” (decolonisation) in the Spirit – which incorporates work done in recent years with UME, testimonies gathered during the pandemic lockdown, a Mission Statement adopted by the congregation in 2018. Older and newer members of SSUC giving expression to love of God and neighbours.
Responses from participants (30-40 each week, including friends online, children, representatives of SSH, Garden and Arts ministries) include intimations of hope:
– A sense of identity and purpose;
– Discernment of God’s mission in Christ (decolonisation, “un/mission”);
– Respect for Aboriginal Elders and communities (Covenant and Treaty);
– An awareness of context (love for neighbourhood);
– An awareness of limitations, challenges and opportunities;
– Enduring passion for ministries including SSH, Garden and the Arts;
– Desire for more integrated and sustainable ministry (on Gadigal land);
– Capacities for creative and critical thinking (liberation theologies);
– Openness to change and growth;
– A view to partnership and amalgamation (regional co-operation, solutions).
Regarding un/mission, I have enjoyed time on Tuesdays for reading and for interviews with First Nations artists including Nioka Lowe-Brennan and Sharon Smith (Boomalli Aboriginal Artists Cooperative) and Kate Constantine (Konstantina). These interviews were published in the SSH.
Commencing in July, I audited online classes with Dr Mark Brett (also Naomi Wolfe and Rev. Dr Garry Worete Deverell). The University of Divinity subject (via Whitley College, formerly the School of Indigenous Studies) was called “Indigenous Rights and the Legacies of the Bible”. I learned a lot from the lectures and class discussions – about Indigenous understanding of Country, connection and obligation; about biblical models of encounter (respectful and disrespectful/violent).
I wrote the following lyrics in response.
The light of human kindness
Water and a way with words
The light of creatureliness
The lilies and birds
The light of your father’s land
The light of restoration
Light to read and understand
Twilight for transformation
Look! Here is your love!
Here is your passion!
Light of superabundance
The light of purpose binding
Light of utter dependence
Calling, responding
The light of Ireneaus
Seven seas and epistles
Light of Athanasius
Among the thistles
Look! Here is your love!
Your meditation!
Light as alpine moss
Snakeskin silver-slow
The beat of the lines that cross
The light of the radio
Spectacular red and green
The lights of time and trauma
Light to take in the whole scene
Vibration, drama
Look! Here is your love!
Love of creation!
(For Fred Williams)
Worried about Fred
A pioneer, he wandered
A patch of dry sand
The lie of the land
Oh, when did I leave the ground?
I sign my name, sign your name
Loops largely the same
Soles of my feet and my toes
Mountainous echoes
Music to measure the ground
Fresh water to wash my eyes
Worried about Fred, bushfires
Wattle boughs hush, hush
Fred lost in the bush
Oh, when did I leave the ground?
Paint the ceremonial
Mobile, silver minimal
A long line when I got it
Stable there, think about it
Oh, when did I leave the ground?
Oh, when did I leave the ground?
PRAYER CARD 7: Direction
A prayer for direction … orientation … from here to there, the other side … the far shore … assurance … purpose.
What might we observe?
Greg continues to facilitate meetings of the Futures Task Group, overseeing the MOU process with Sydney Presbytery, engaging issues around integration of diverse ministries, conversation around potential for ministry partnerships and support – seeking mutually beneficial ways to share in ministry (whether SSH, Orchard Gallery, Mirrung Garden or other) – sharing expertise, resources and networks, meeting common goals, “doing church better” on sovereign Gadigal land.
Invitations, engagements, partnerships …
The Futures Task Group has included Greg Garrett, Miriam Pepper, Cathie Harrison, Heather Robinson, Lyn Turnbull, Alison Bleyerveen, Anne Camac, Marguerite Foxon, Barbara Kerle, Lil Deverell, Kelly Byrne and Karen Banfield (thanks to Lil and Garry for hospitality). The Rev. Dr Karina Kreminski has joined for discussion around mission planning.
Alison and I have remembered and refined the following draft goals (formulated at most recent FTG meeting). We are keen to receive feedback from the congregation before presenting these to church council later this month.
DRAFT GOALS 2024-2027
Right now
⁃ Explore possibilities re 50 per cent ministry placement for 2025. Job description around caring/encouraging and some theological accompanying, preaching twice a month, etc. (Tell, Teach, Tend, Treasure, Transform).
⁃ Set up the manse downstairs for congregation-community groups (Tend, Teach, Treasure, Transform).
⁃ Lay the garden to fallow (Treasure).
⁃ Move offsite at a date of our own choosing, consider liturgical basics (in keeping with current liturgical patterns/various emphases) and storage solutions (Tell, Teach, Tend, Treasure, Transform).
⁃ Maintain commitment to lay leadership development and all-age activities across the ministries (Teach, Tend, Treasure).
Soon 2025
⁃ Continue to develop social media and communications (Tell, Teach, Tend, Transform, Treasure).
⁃ Continue to support the working groups in their creative efforts (Tend).**
⁃ Propose the framework and details of a shared ministry arrangement with “Mascot-Wesley and friends”. Project name: Better Together on Gadigal Land (Tell, Teach, Tend, Transform, Treasure).
⁃ Maintain commitment to lay leadership development and all-age activities across the ministries (Teach, Tend, Treasure).*
⁃ Be intentional re gathering for inclusive/affordable sharing of food (Tend, Treasure).*
Next three years
⁃ Plan for shared ministry placements and employment (Treasure).
⁃ Share good news stories of journey and discovery (Tell, Treasure).
⁃ Continue monthly Gospel Conversation group, with biblical and theological themes to equip us for the stages of life we are in (Teach, Transform).*
⁃ Maintain commitment to lay leadership development and all-age activities across the ministries (Teach, Tend, Treasure).*
⁃ Return to church buildings with strong relationships and plans re hosting and sharing; commitment to decolonisation (Transform, Treasure).
*Following conversation with the Rev. Hee Won Chang (Hope Uniting, Maroubra). Hee Won suggested combined lay leadership dinners, opportunities for combined worship, sharing of liturgical resources, Bible studies, gardening.
**Following conversation with the Rev. Andrew Johnson (Newtown Mission). Andrew committed to help regarding arts coordination and venues at Newtown, Stanmore and Paddington (where Ps Mike Hercock will continue to minister over the next 12-18 months).
PRAYER CARD 8: Neighbours
A prayer for the neighbourhood … neighbours, community members, workers, groups …
SSUC enjoys rich and rewarding relationships with neighbours and various community groups, including Counterpoint Community Services.
Michael Shreenan and Elle Brind at CCS invite us to hold Sunday services at The Factory premises on Raglan Street. For this we are deeply grateful.
Relocating to The Factory (67 Raglan Street, opposite the church) will mean keeping close to the church site even while restoration work is completed (most of 2025). It will also bring opportunities for making and strengthening ties with CCS and others.
What might we observe?
The South Sydney Herald published its 242nd print issue in November.
Wonderful contributions include a religion and ethics article by Jaqi Pascoe, a young writer’s profile by Elizabeth Arrigo, a short essay by Louisa Silverman from the Connecting Words workshop at Surry Hills Neighbourhood Centre, Alicia Dong’s carer’s journey (part 10) – a collaboration with artist Gloria Liang – and Lucy Gleeson’s front-page tribute to Tribal Warrior’s 25 years of maritime training and support.
Our fundraiser with Tribal Warrior on October 27 saw 91 volunteers and supporters aboard the Mari Nawi for a cruise on Sydney Harbour. The day was a great success, with thanks to Uncle Shane Phillips, Anthony and Cecil at Club Redfern, Con and Abu at Redfern Woolworths, many organisers and leaders. We raised $5,000 and would love to hold a similar fundraiser next year – aiming to lock in a date with Tribal Warrior and secure support from Club Redfern.
I imagine aiming to sell 500 tickets for a slightly different tour on TW’s larger vessel – with onboard entertainment rather than a BBQ on Clark Island (Billong-olola).
Current SSH volunteers (40+) include students, photographers, editors, academics, railway enthusiasts, sportspeople, retired nurses and teachers, Elders, lawyers … representatives of diverse parish life. One of our dedicated volunteer distributors, Eleanor Boustead, celebrated her 90th birthday in August.
Current members of the SSH working group: Lyn Turnbull, Matthew Westwood, Norrie, Louisa Dyce, Andrew Collis. We will invite editor Dr Armen Gakavian and journalism student Nina Goc to join the working group in 2025.
In early July we were informed by SpotNews of a 30 per cent rise in cost of printing the paper. Following research and consultation, the decision was taken to print just 4,000 copies of the paper each month (which keeps us within budget for 2024-25). SpotNews has assured us there will be no further cost increases in next few years (other than CPI).
Alongside print copies, we will experiment with low-cost digital printing of coasters and postcards with eye-catching photographs and artworks plus the SSH masthead and QR code link to our homepage. Opportunities for sponsorship and advertising (in print and online) will also be explored.
Another possibility is to partner with City of Sydney libraries in some way; collaboration re digital access to news and information, research and education, children’s activities, small groups … this model could entail printing less frequently.
Our online readership is steady at 4,000 unique sessions per month.
We have seven subscribers and three long-term sponsors.
We hope to secure funds from the City of Sydney ($2,550 per month) for a second series of First Peoples community and business profiles in 2025. The series would be curated and mentored by Aunty Norma Ingram.
Contributions from church members are greatly appreciated (thanks Gill!) – every contribution, including articles, reviews, letters, photographs and illustrations, adds to the richness of the paper and lightens the editorial load. Please see Lyn if you’d like to know more about volunteering – as a contributor or distributor, or helper with respect to fundraising.
For follow-up:
– Revise Media Kit for new year (with current circulation and readership information).
– Revise distribution plan for 2025.
– Appoint managing editor and revise production.
– Invite partnerships and sponsorships.
– Schedule fundraiser for October 2025 (following the success of fundraiser aboard the Mari Nawi).
PRAYER CARD 9: Respect
A prayer for respect, a respectful prayer in acknowledgement of pain and disappointment/betrayal, resilience, sovereignty …
One year after the Voice referendum …
A prayer in response to the Statement from the Heart … respecting wisdom of connection and obligation to Country … beauty of land, waters, skies, living creatures, lore, ancestor spirits and divine light/fire …
“Reconciliation should be a non-partisan ‘people’s movement’ founded upon respect for First Nations rights – starting with self-determination underpinned by meaningful structural reform. Quite simply, First Nations policy not informed by mob – and any solution not led by mob – is just a failed experiment in waiting. We should get comfortable with feeling uncomfortable, while putting the pedal to the metal on justice, anti-racism and truth-telling.” Yuwaalaraay woman Kirstie Parker is a non-executive director of Reconciliation Australia. She is a signatory to the Uluru Statement and advised the Uluru Dialogue in the lead-up to the Voice referendum.
Prayer as re-commitment to truth-telling …
What might we observe?
The sacred stories which predate and complicate/complement our own …
“For Gadigal, Biame – the creator spirit – is a woman, and it’s her birth that created our place. She created our lands, waterways, the plants and the animals, and then she sat on Garangal (North Head) as a Garanga (pelican) and began our songlines” (Konstantina, Gadigal Ngura, 2024).
First Nations peoples have long used Gadigal land as a place for camping, feasting and other social gatherings.
The truth of our colonial history (as we continue to explicate and contextualise, to read and understand it).
The area known as Waterloo had the Aboriginal name of Illpah (meaning “plenty of raspberries”). The area consisted of swamps and low sandy hills and the vegetation included coarse grasses, ti-trees and reeds.
In the 1820s, Waterloo began supporting industrial operations including various mills such as the Fisher and Duncan Paper Mill and the Waterloo Flour Mill.
1823: William Hutchinson, superintendent of convicts and public works (formerly a convict, 1799), was granted 1,400 acres (5.7 km2) of land in the Waterloo area.
Hutchinson became a significant businessman in Sydney, forming business partnerships with Edward Eager, William Redfern and Samuel Terry, among others; he also had extensive land holdings in Sydney, its suburbs and the surrounding towns, and also in Melbourne.
Hutchinson’s third daughter, Mary, married John Rose Holden in 1834. He had arrived in 1831 as an ensign. They built “Everleigh House” on Hutchinson’s Paddock, naming it after his mother’s maiden name, Betty Everleigh. It showed in the maps from 1850; in the vicinity of Louis Street, just north of Vine. It was later spelt Eveleigh.
Hutchinson’s more rural holdings made him a successful pastoralist. He had participated in the 1816 founding of the Bank of New South Wales, and was a director of the bank from January 1829 onwards. In 1835, he was elected to the board of directors of both the Marine Insurance Co. and the Australian Wheat and Flour Co., and participated in the formation of the Australian Patriotic Association, and in 1840 he was one of the original directors of the Mutual Fire Insurance Association.
Invitations, engagements, partnerships …
Recognising cultural bias/blindness, historical privilege, inter-generational trauma, wisdom and graciousness of First Peoples …
PRAYER CARD 10: Inspiration
A prayer for inspiration … a prayer of thanks for inspiration … a prayer of the Spirit (with sighs too deep for words).
Again and again, we say “that’s what it’s all about!” … Profound love and wisdom in each other … divine love and wisdom shining through our failures and feeble faithfulness.
In response to a kind word, an uplifting moment, a song, a flower … a new beginning, a passion for the gospel …
What might we observe?
Greg has contacted scholars re a series of conversations on queering biblical texts. To “queer” a biblical text involves interpreting the scripture from a perspective that challenges traditional, heteronormative and patriarchal readings. This approach seeks to uncover and emphasise elements within the text that resonate with LGBTQIA+ experiences, identities and themes, or to critique and deconstruct the ways in which the text has been used to marginalise LGBTQIA+ individuals. By queering a biblical text, interpreters aim to open up new possibilities for understanding scripture that are inclusive, affirming and reflective of diverse human experiences.
Invitations, engagements, partnerships …
I have been blessed to minister here with you for close to 18 years. Back when an extension was granted which enabled me to remain in placement until March 31, 2025, I said:
“My heart is happy, ever happier … in ministry that affirms my gifts as some kind of writer and image-maker … in ministry that accepts my limitations and encourages me to keep learning and growing.
“Ministry is collaborative, and leaders at South Sydney – outstanding office bearers and elders, generous newcomers; diverse, bold, heartbroken, open, faithful to the gospel of Jesus … in a Spirit of love on Gadigal land – inspire my efforts toward team building, capacity-building, training, networking, partnering … renewed efforts toward simplicity (sometimes doing less, making space).
“My heart is mindful of beloved editors, storytellers, photographers, painters and poets, housing workers, gardeners, volunteers, neighbours – living and departed – salt of the earth and light of the world, the lifeworld we know as Waterloo and Redfern – rapidly gentrifying, home to the largest social housing estates in the country, in many ways a national centre of Indigenous excellence.
“We serve because others have modelled faithful service, because others have shown us how.
“My heart imagines a time after South Sydney … whatever gifts I carry into that time, honed in friendships, in the experience of love and forgiveness, among God’s people … God’s plants and animals too.
“I look forward, then, to bearing stories of resistance and resilience … to sharing stories with the wider church and community. I see the outlines now: break the bread; care for one another; fight for one another; listen; amplify the songs of the most vulnerable; invite artmaking; invite peace-making, doing, trying, risking, planting; praise Wisdom wherever she appears, wherever she surprises.
“My heart is hopeful …”
The coming months, together and apart (I’ll be praying with you and delighting in news of your adventures) entail integrating, refining what we discern of Christ in various congregation-community-garden settings … engaging in conversations with a view to finding passions in common, synergies … liberation and release.
It’s already happening.
Jesus calls us to sit with him for a moment and watch to see who participates in the life of our congregation-community-garden (our institutions, economies, ecologies) – to investigate the dark corners for people/souls in need of food, clothing, shelter, decent wages, a helping hand, an advocate, a friend.
And then not simply to observe, but to call others and invite them to open their eyes, too – to go and talk with those who are hidden in plain view – to ask them about their lives, to ask them how we might partner with them to create hope and new life. Amen.
Grace and peace,
Prayer cards by Jayden, Jovana/Carolyn, Lil, Jane, Zac, Harlie, Michelle.