Sunrise at Little Bay Beach, NSW.
Photo: Windows 10 Spotlight Images

‘Day After Day’

Day after day
And when the world began
Day after day
I was a skilled artisan
Day after day
Before God’s loving sight
Day after day
In humankind I will delight

I was hungry and you fed me
I was thirsty and you watered me
I was in prison and you visited me

Day after day
And when the world began
Day after day
I was a skilled artisan
Day after day
Before God’s loving sight
Day after day
In humankind I will delight

I was a stranger, you welcomed me
I was naked and you covered me
I was sick and you took care of me

Day after day
And when the world began
Day after day
I was a skilled artisan
Day after day
Before God’s loving sight
Day after day
In humankind I will delight

Just as you did this for the least of these
So you did it for me

Words and music © Jane Hogan, 2020.